The deadliest, jelliest site ever. Brought to you by Niamh Shaw

For the last two weeks, I have been listening to ‘Magic‘, by Bruce Springsteen. I can’t remember the last time I was so smitten by an album.

I’ve always been a fan of Bruce. The man has phenomenal talent. I remember the first time I saw it on the cover of ‘Born in the USA‘ (yes MJ, the album might have been crap, but oh my! that arse).


Don’t tell me Bruce used a stunt arse – yours, in fact – and you now live in a skip in New Jersey because Bruce only paid you $2.30 which you spent on legal fees fighting to have your arse recognised as one of the iconic images of rock ‘n’ roll. Because firstly I don’t believe you; and secondly, whatever the electronic equivalent of putting my fingers in my ears and going ‘LALALALALA!’ is, I’m doing it right now.

That is Bruce Springsteen’s arse, and is possibly be the sexiest backside in the universe. I cannot state this with absolute certainty, because in fairness I have only been exposed to a fraction of the arses this world has to offer. However, Bruce’s is by far the best specimen to date. Head and cheeks above the rest. Bruce could have done with a few more squat thrusts, so it is marginally lacking in the ‘crunch!’ department. But it is perfect in its imperfections – a bit like Mary McAleese. On the surface, the woman shouldn’t be hot, but she is. Come on, admit it: who hasn’t fantasised about Mary during a spot of vigorous composting?

Twenty years on, Bruce’s arse still resonates with the glory days. I’m prepared to overlook a droopy liver spot or two, because I love Bruce with a purity that transcends time and space and the fact that he has never heard of me. Although I’ve never met him, I know his essential soul essentially. Our largely imaginary relationship is tender yet feisty, deeply connected yet constantly surprising, challenging yet supportive. Although I am very happy with my life, sometimes – in the small, lonely hours of the early dawn or a melancholy MTV moment – I regret missing my vocation at the top of the rock ‘n’ roll industry.

[Note: In case you were wondering, my crushes are not limited to rock ‘n’ roll. They include Mary McAleese (see above), Michael Phelps, John Cusack, Michelle Obama, Bjorn Borg (only when accessorised with headband), Wolverine, Liv Tyler, her father, Popeye (totally wasted on Olive Oil, the useless slapper), John Irving, Elmer Fudd and some bloke I used to work with in Ardnacrusha (I still dust him off every now and then to mud-wrestle Elmer Fudd, because they’re quite well matched). Oh, and Husband. Of course.]

Anyway, as well as having the world’s best arse – I wonder whether it is insured? – happily Bruce can also carry a tune and ‘Magic’ totally rocks. I am not qualified to offer insightful commentary on the lyrical resonance or tricky melodies. All I can say is that most of the songs make me want to play them again, immediately. It means I occasionally get stuck on one song, much to Husband’s chagrin; he is more into female artists with insipid, vapourised vocals.

Just one small thing about the song ‘Girls in Their Summer Clothes’ – and it is not criticism so much as a word of advice. Couldn’t Bruce find a better cliché than ‘she cut me like a knife’? It’s not as if there’s nothing else in the world that cuts, e.g. scissors. Or grass; chainsaws; chisels; broken glass; lasers; guillotines; hatchets and/or axes; paper; razorblades; certain types of fish; diamonds; jagged metal; rusty tin cans. See? In fact, pick an object – any object. Applied with enough force and/or skill, there’s a fair likelihood it will cut, or – even better – pulverize. Bruise at the very least.

Ok, it was a bit of a criticism


Comments on: "She cut me like a certain type of fish" (12)

  1. She’ll lead you down a path
    There’ll be tenderness in the air
    Shell let you come just far enough
    So you know shes really there
    Shell look at you and smile
    And her eyes will say
    Shes got a secret garden
    Where everything you want
    Where everything you need
    Will always stay
    A million miles away

    I thought your hairstyle reminded me of Courtney Cox – and now I know why 🙂

  2. I should just point out that in the video of “Dancing in the Dark” a very young Courtney Cox gets pulled out of the crowd – and gets to dance with Bruce… the picture in the link (above) is from the moment in the video when Bruce screams “HEEEEEY BAAAAyBEE” and hold out his hand to her.

    This is pretty much the look you get from Niamh ANYTIME she talks about Mr Springsteen – Duh!

  3. deadlyjelly said:

    Courtney Cox’s look is nothing more than sad, desperate puppy love.

    Mine is real.


  4. Mary … ?
    I just couldn’t see it in the photo provided but there was no arse on display and perhaps the lust you feel for her is more complex than a photo can show.

    Gert has a very nice arse actually. It was one of the first 3 things I noticed about him, having not been a woman who notices bums normally.

    Did you see ‘Stealing Beauty’ with the lovely Liv? The cinematography in that movie just blows me away …

  5. Ooh Niamh, I’m not sure if it is wise of me to tell you that I “met” (excruciatingly briefly) Bruce in 1988 at Manchester International Airport, where I was working on the Information Desk at the time. Bruce was flying in from Dublin, very late at night, and part of the arrivals area was closed off for his private jet. We, the airport staff (thank God I was on late shift that night) were allowed to go and stand along the concourse where he and he entourage would walk from the plane to the limos.

    He was extremely kind and smiley, and as he strode along the blue carpet, he made sure to look both right and left, grinning at all the overexcited uniformed airport people, saying “Hey!” and “How ya doin’?” to all of us.

    So The Boss LOOKED AT ME and SAID “Hey!” TO ME. Amazingly, I did not faint on the spot, but survived, and I’m still dining out on this story, twenty years later.

  6. You must back away from my Boyfriend, really.

    I have every album he ever made. EVERY ALBUM.

    He is Irish and Italian, just like me, and went to high school with my cousin Marilyn in New Jersey. Yes, I was born in NY and have family in Asbury Park. Be impressed. Be VERy impressed.

    And in this song, you know he’s singing about me:

  7. deadlyjelly said:

    Antipodeesse I am SOOO envious! You . . . you . . . you . . . MET him?

    V-Grrrl: yeah, but do you know his essential soul ESSENTIALLY? 😀

  8. deadlyjelly said:

    Di, I’m wondering how Gert’s arse was the third thing you noticed about him. Presumably he took one look at you and was moved to moon you? Ah, the romance.

    Now, I haven’t seen ‘Stealing Beauty’, so I’ll have to check that out. In fairness, Liv – bless her heart – wouldn’t locate dramatic tension in an amateur panto, but hell she’s pretty

  9. Wow! Thank you!
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  10. deadlyjelly said:

    Hi Timur, good to see you here. No problem with adding part of this post to your site, just be sure to credit me (Deadlyjelly), thanks!

  11. […] in the termination of shady, highly placed political figures. I would have liked to have been a rock star, but I always knew that was more of a sideline than a full-time […]

  12. […] “BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN YAY! Hey – how much air should I put in the tyres?” […]

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