The deadliest, jelliest site ever. Brought to you by Niamh Shaw

Posts tagged ‘margarita’

Deadlyjelly’s New Year Resolutions 2010

First, some notes on the collective resolve for 2010.

If you pay attention, you will notice the list is a bit on the light side. This is because the emphasis is on QUALITY, not QUANTITY. I could give up smoking while getting fit, being a nicer person, earning more money and hand-washing my panties, but that’s just fluffing around wasting time and energy feeling like a failure – and anyway, I don’t smoke.

Instead, I examined the areas of my life that need attention, identified what is really important, and focussed on a small number of worthy and – I feel – admirable objectives.

Where possible, resolutions are expressed in specific terms. For example, ‘Be a better person’ is an ambiguous goal. What is ‘better’ anyway? And how much should I strive for betterment in order to really BE better in realistic terms? And if I were actually better, would I simply be a parody of myself?

On the other hand, ‘Whenever leaving the house, I will wear a spandex cape’ is a specific goal.

In further accordance with the SMART mnemonic for evaluating objectives, my resolutions are all measurable, achievable, repetitive, and er, totally something else.

Where no timeframe is given, the resolution implicitly applies to the twelve months comprising 2010.

As you can tell, a lot of time and effort went into this list.

Note: if you like my resolution model and wish to copy it, consider it my gift to you.

Deadlyjelly’s New Years Resolutions

1. Drink more.
1.1 Especially margaritas.

2. Give up snoring.

3. Avoid dogs that smell of perfume.

4. Show appreciation to stalkers (hi Cian! Thanks for stalking me! You rock! Happy New Year!).

5. Be a parody of myself.