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Lank hair

And then there was Proof, during which I was mentally violated by Gwyneth Paltrow.


To avoid charges of bias, I will fess up right here. I mean, you can still charge me with bias, but since I will have admitted it, there seems little point, hmm?

Here is the basis of my bias: Gwyneth annoys the crap out of me. There is nobody else whose hair I want to pull more. And Baby CHEESES will someone ever give the woman a carb? She is critically in need of a feed of rice pudding. You can actually see her wasting away on screen.

Gwyneth evidently attended the Tom Cruise School of Acting, whereby as long as you have a minimum freaky charisma allied with plasticity of skin, you can employ one, single gesture to cover all human emotion and pass it off as acting. (In Tom Cruise’s case, this is of course the double-hand point. In Gwyneth’s, a bewildered frown with eyes crossed.)

Director: Cut, cut, CUT! Goddamit! Babydoll, get your sweet ass over here!

Gwyneth: I presume one is referring to me.

Director: Who? Yeah, whatever. Gwynnie honey. Since your features are so pale and indistinct, we need you to – what’s it called again? – oh yeah. We need you to ACT more.

Gwyneth: I can act you know. I won an Oscar for Shakespeare in Love.

Director: What’s that? You might want to speak up while you’re at it. I want you to EMOTE. I want to see the spit, I wanna FEEL the sweat. Set to it, there’s a good girl.

Director (aside to sub director): Stupid bitch. Needs a good feed of rice pudding.

I have no idea how she won an Oscar, although I can only conclude she must have donated many varied and nasty sexual favours to the entire Academy.

Now that’s out of the way: in Proof, Gwyneth plays the petulant, whiny, lank-haired daughter of a brilliant mathematician. She gives up her own studies when dad goes woopdewoohoo and then misplaces his mortal coil. Then her father’s student finds a notebook containing a mind-blowing proof to some theorem, which Gwyneth claims she wrote.

Honestly, it’s a stretch believing Gwyneth is capable of forming coherent sentences, never mind that she is a mathematical genius.

Gwyneth’s character is consumed by the likelihood of following her father into insanity. She appears to be crazy because she fears going crazy. Which is undoubtedly tragic but no more than, say, genocide – or any number of other things.

Her sister is supposed to be a harridan, but all I felt was sympathy for her. She turns up the day before their father’s funeral try to persuade Gwyneth to wash her hair – I completely understood where she was coming from – and Gwyneth gets all snotty about hair being dead tissue so Jojoba Oil won’t make any difference. Well, I’ve used Jojoba on my own dead tissue and the stuff is a miracle, so that shows you how much she knows.

Jake Gyllenhaal is her father’s former student, the drummer in a rock band of maths geeks. This time I suspended disbelief – hung it by the neck until dead – and then tried swinging it around and juggling it a while, but it was no good: maths geeks are just not that good looking. Trust me. I studied maths, and we were a dull looking bunch of monobrows. The best bit in the movie is the band’s song ‘i’, comprising three minutes of silence.

Disregarding all that, the movie is worth a watch.

Comments on: "Lank hair" (5)

  1. I kinda think she’s hot.

    Can we still be friends? 🙂

  2. Cian said:

    “Disregarding all that, the movie is worth a watch”

    Hello??? What Drugs/Planet are you are on? Well I hope it is somewhere good.

    Why would anybody want to watch a two second movie clip with Gwyneth not to mind a full movie? I can’t stand the woman. There was no bias in your post – you are not alone – she annoys the crap out of everybody. That is her role in life; well that and to call her kids silly names. There are 1000s of posts outthere on ‘I hate GP’, and she wonders why do many people dislike her.

    I mean thinking about her makes me want to puke more than Jed has done recently.

    I really enjoyed this line as it summed it up for me: “Honestly, it’s a stretch believing Gwyneth is capable of forming coherent sentences, never mind that she is a mathematical genius.” Yes it is a stretch – don’t worry she can’t. I think that she belongs in the Ms. Ahern box…

    Ahem – Not all who study Maths in College are dull looking you know…

    p.s. Mark you need help. You need serious help. I am not sure that that sort of help is available in NZ. But I have one word for you – GOOP! – Sign up and see how long you think she is hot. Goop F&^*ing Goop!

  3. deadlyjelly said:

    Cian, you are SO RIGHT. I’m pretty sure if someone murdered the woman in cold blood, the judge would say: “Generally society does not condone murder, but this is evidently an exceptional case. The victim was pathologically annoying. Nobody liked her except MarkJ. We’ll call it self-defence. CASE DISMISSED!”


  4. Cian said:

    Indeed and if it was outside of America there wouldn’t have been a police investigation, court case – nada! The coroner would not even bother with it. She would be left to rot or donated to a zoo for feeding time. The poor animals.

    Before the “We love Gwennie” brigade arrive in force (as unlikely as that would be), I would like to point out that the views and opinions expressed in my posts are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the author… so there get your head around that one!

  5. Cian said:

    A quote from a Press Release today from Heathrow Airport regarding the closure of terminal 2:

    “The airport’s first terminal opened in 1955 and fast became a backdrop to the gliterati as icons from the stage and screen passed through its doors. Stars and royalty including The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Gwyneth Paltrow, Princess Grace and Princess Margaret have all used Terminal 2.”

    Hello – what is her name doing in there… The others I get, but her….

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